Would you like to feel healthy, happy and confident this Summer?
The Summer Shape Up 8 Week Challenge is just for you!
Begins: June 17th
Ends: Just in time for Summer holidays!
Length: 8 Weeks
Price: €99 x 2 direct debit payments. Clients pay €99 when they sign up and €99 30 days later. €198 in total.
Fitness Level: All levels of fitness - beginners and experienced!
What is included?
- Calorie allowance
- Meal plan to help keep you within this calorie allowance
- Personalised training programme built around your goals - home or gym option
- Weekly check in with me on the SUWS Fitness App
- 1:1 support and guidance on the app
What is the aim of the challenge?
It is more than a weight loss plan. It is about getting you the results whilst teaching you the ‘why’ behind what you are doing. I will be there every step of the way to answer any questions you may have. This is so that when the plan ends you can continue this going by yourself.
You will get your own personalised training and meal plan. You will also be added into a private support group available to people on the challenge only. In this group, I will share tips and advice while I motivate the group to maximise results.
You also have the opportunity to win your money back at the end of the challenge. This will go to the most active participant of the challenge!
Over the 8 weeks we will work on regaining your confidence and self-esteem, developing your strength and fitness, improving your relationship with food and much more!
This challenge will provide long term results by introducing small changes to your day-to-day routine. These small changes are going to have a huge impact on your goals.
Additional Information:
In this challenge, you will choose the results you want to see for the Summer!
E.g. glute development, fat loss, muscle building.
If you wish to cancel your subscription you may do so but must give notice before a new phase begins. (2 phases in total, each phase is 4 weeks long - 8 weeks in total).
Lastly, there are limited spaces on this challenge as I want to give my personal attention to each person who signs up so YOU can achieve the best results, make sure to get your spot!
Be your healthiest, happiest and most confident self this summer.

Incredible Recipes
This is not a low calorie, restrictive diet. Choose from a wide range of meals to keep your diet interesting and enjoyable.
- SUWS Cookbook For Optimal Fresh & Healthy Meals.
- Total Calories & Macros Calculated
- Quick-Click Recipes Preloaded to SUWS Meal Plan Builder
- Special Features: Foods +30g in Protein & Alcohol Intake While on Plan
Personalised Workouts
Set, reps, rest times all prescribed depending on your overall goal.
- Enjoyable️ &️ Effective️ Workouts️ to Suit Your Needs
- Strength,️ Flexibility️ &️ Fitness️ Training️ to ️Burn Maximum️ Calories
- Home️ &️ Gym ️Based️ Workout️ Plans
- Video️ Demos️ on ️How to ️Complete️ Movements️ Correctly️ &️ Safely

Personal SUWS App
In this section you will get access to my SUWS Meal Plan builder, this is a tool you can use to create your own meal plans using foods you want.
- Meal️ Plans,️ Workouts,️ Check-Ins,️ Direct️ Messaging,️ Calorie️ Tracking️ Tailored️ to ️You
- Private️ Personalisation️ of ️Progress️ Pictures,️ Weight️ &️ Body️ Stats
- Direct️ Messaging️ With Me
- Access️ Your Plans️ Easily️ &️ All in One Place!
4 Keys to Success
Stay positive and remember why you started!
Educating Yourself
Don’t listen to diet propaganda (Spoiler: Carbs don’t make you fat).
Keep a Routine
Find a meal and exercise plan that works for you and stick with it.
Don’t Be Hard on Yourself
You don’t have to aim for perfection, aim for consistency.