Start Your Plan Today!
Need a long term structured plan to kickstart yourself into gear?Start Your Plan Today!
Need a long term structured plan to kickstart yourself into gear?- One €100 Payment per 30 days
- Get Phase 1 Phase 2 and Phase 3!
- What’s the biggest issue with people & weight loss?
- They’re in a never-ending cycle of losing weight, gain the weight back!
- Do you feel good about yourself for a week after being miserable for a couple of weeks from following some ridiculous diet?
- What if you gave yourself 90 days to finally get into the shape you want to be in?
- 90 days to learn everything you need to know about nutrition so you never gain the weight back?
- 90 days to learn how to eat all the foods you love and still make progress
- My whole philosophy is to get you the results you want without having to give up a social life or 90% of the things that make you happy.
- My philosophy is to give you back your self-confidence without the fear of slipping back to your old ways when the plan finishes.
- If you want to transform your life and make an investment into yourself.
This is it:
- Personalized Meal Plans & The Shape Up With Sharry Cookbook
- Full Access to the Shape Up With Sharry App for 90 Days
- Phase 1, 2 & 3 Training plans for home and gym workouts
- 1 on 1 support for the 90 Days

Incredible Recipes
This is not a low calorie, restrictive diet. Choose from a wide range of meals to keep your diet interesting and enjoyable..
- SUWS Cookbook For Optimal Fresh & Healthy Meals.
- Total Calories & Macros Calculated
- Quick-Click Recipes Preloaded to SUWS Meal Plan Builder
- Special Features: Foods +30g in Protein & Alcohol Intake While on Plan
Personalised Workouts
Set, reps, rest times all prescribed depending on your overall goal.
- Enjoyable️ &️ Effective️ Workouts️ to Suit Your Needs
- Strength,️ Flexibility️ &️ Fitness️ Training️ to ️Burn Maximum️ Calories
- Home️ &️ Gym ️Based️ Workout️ Plans
- Video️ Demos️ on ️How to ️Complete️ Movements️ Correctly️ &️ Safely

Personal SUWS App
In this section you will get access to my SUWS Meal Plan builder, this is a tool you can use to create your own meal plans using foods you want.
- Meal️ Plans,️ Workouts,️ Check-Ins,️ Direct️ Messaging,️ Calorie️ Tracking️ Tailored️ to ️You
- Private️ Personalisation️ of ️Progress️ Pictures,️ Weight️ &️ Body️ Stats
- Direct️ Messaging️ With Me
- Access️ Your Plans️ Easily️ &️ All in One Place!
4 Keys to Success
Stay positive and remember why you started!
Educating Yourself
Don’t listen to diet propaganda (Spoiler: Carbs don’t make you fat).
Keep a Routine
Find a meal and exercise plan that works for you and stick with it.
Don’t Be Hard on Yourself
You don’t have to aim for perfection, aim for consistency.
SUWS App, one place which stores all you need for your plan. Workouts, check in’s, meals and one to one chat with Paul , it’s very handy especially when you want to do something long term !
Im delighted with my results since completing the 90 Day plan, I feel so much better in myself and Paul is really helpful and motivating and is always available if you have any questions or concerns about the plan, the weekly check ins provide great guidance!