Need a long term structured plan to kickstart yourself into gear?Food2Fit
Need a long term structured plan to kickstart yourself into gear?This plan is a 4-week programme and costs €110.
This is a complete package for those who want a custom made nutrition program and a structured plan to help guide you in the right direction when it comes to your diet, food management.
Food2FIT is suited to all dietary requirements and choices.
Lose weight, eat healthier, learn about food management, learn how to track and stay on track, whatever your goal is learning about how to manage nutrition in the best way that suits your lifestyle and is going to help provide results is the key.
You will receive x5 sample meal plans along with a number of tools that will benefit you throughout the plan and on completion.
As always I will be accessible through email for the duration of the 4 weeks to answer any questions you may have.
Every weekend I expect you to check in with me for review and following measurements and understanding how you are feeling I will then be in a position to decide whether we are on track or if changes are required. This package includes:
- x5 Personalised Meal Plans
- SUWS Cookbook
- Meal Plan Builder Access
- Continuous support and guidance from me through the SUWS App
- Weekly reviews (through measurements & photos)
- Guidance/Advice on dealing with cravings etc
- Accountability, I will be available throughout the 4 weeks to keep you motivated and on track.

x5 Personalised Meal Plans
This is not a low calorie, restrictive diet. Choose from a wide range of meals to keep your diet interesting and enjoyable.
- SUWS Cookbook For Optimal Fresh & Healthy Meals.
- Total Calories & Macros Calculated
- Quick-Click Recipes Preloaded to SUWS Meal Plan Builder
- Special Features: Foods +30g in Protein & Alcohol Intake While on Plan
SUWS App where you can access the Cookbook & Meal Plan Builder
Set, reps, rest times all prescribed depending on your overall goal.
- Enjoyable️ &️ Effective️ Workouts️ to Suit Your Needs
- Strength,️ Flexibility️ &️ Fitness️ Training️ to ️Burn Maximum️ Calories
- Home️ &️ Gym ️Based️ Workout️ Plans
- Video️ Demos️ on ️How to ️Complete️ Movements️ Correctly️ &️ Safely

Support and Guidance with Weekly Check In's With Paul
In this section you will get access to my SUWS Meal Plan builder, this is a tool you can use to create your own meal plans using foods you want.
- Meal️ Plans,️ Workouts,️ Check-Ins,️ Direct️ Messaging,️ Calorie️ Tracking️ Tailored️ to ️You
- Private️ Personalisation️ of ️Progress️ Pictures,️ Weight️ &️ Body️ Stats
- Direct️ Messaging️ With Me
- Access️ Your Plans️ Easily️ &️ All in One Place!
4 Keys to Success
Stay positive and remember why you started!
Educating Yourself
Don’t listen to diet propaganda (Spoiler: Carbs don’t make you fat).
Keep a Routine
Find a meal and exercise plan that works for you and stick with it.
Don’t Be Hard on Yourself
You don’t have to aim for perfection, aim for consistency.
I was delighted to see all my food requirements were brought into my plan and the meal plans are really great, you can still enjoy your food and feel full, all easy to access on the SUWS App and Cookbook was full of great options and tips around food that I use often.
For me this was exactly what I was missing as I was doing classes but could not get my food right, so this completely changed my results! I liked that Paul promotes having the food you enjoy while making progress, for me it is much more sustainable and I feel great having a good mix!