This is a complete package for those who want a custom made training program and a tailored nutrition program. Lose weight, tone up, build muscle, get abs, whatever you goal is combining both training and nutrition is the key to achieving it. You will receive a training program consisting of exercises, sets, reps and rest times to complete. Not sure how to do an exercise; don’t worry I will be there to help you and send you a tutorial video to help you learn any exercise correctly. Gym and home workouts available in case you are not a member of a gym. You also receive a sample meal plan along with a set of macronutrients (Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat) designed specifically for you to achieve your goal. I will also provide you with a list of different foods and their caloric information should you wish to change a meal in the sample meal plan provided.
As always I will be accessible through email for the duration of the 4 weeks to answer any questions you may have. Every weekend I expect you to check in with me for review and following measurements and understanding how you are feeling I will then be in a position to decide whether we are on track or if changes are required. This package includes:
- Custom made gym or home workouts
- Set, reps, rest times all prescribed depending on your overall goal
- Tutorial videos if required to demonstrate exercises
- Your own personal split of macronutrients
- Your own personal meal plan
- Continuous support through email
- Weekly reviews (through measurements & photos)
- Guidance/Advice on dealing with cravings etc
- Accountability, I will be accessible throughout the 8 weeks to keep you motivated and on track.

Incredible Recipes
This is not a low calorie, restrictive diet. Choose from a wide range of meals to keep your diet interesting and enjoyable.
- SUWS Cookbook For Optimal Fresh & Healthy Meals.
- Total Calories & Macros Calculated
- Quick-Click Recipes Preloaded to SUWS Meal Plan Builder
- Special Features: Foods +30g in Protein & Alcohol Intake While on Plan
Personalised Workouts
Set, reps, rest times all prescribed depending on your overall goal.
- Enjoyable️ &️ Effective️ Workouts️ to Suit Your Needs
- Strength,️ Flexibility️ &️ Fitness️ Training️ to ️Burn Maximum️ Calories
- Home️ &️ Gym ️Based️ Workout️ Plans
- Video️ Demos️ on ️How to ️Complete️ Movements️ Correctly️ &️ Safely

Personal SUWS App
In this section you will get access to my SUWS Meal Plan builder, this is a tool you can use to create your own meal plans using foods you want.
- Meal️ Plans,️ Workouts,️ Check-Ins,️ Direct️ Messaging,️ Calorie️ Tracking️ Tailored️ to ️You
- Private️ Personalisation️ of ️Progress️ Pictures,️ Weight️ &️ Body️ Stats
- Direct️ Messaging️ With Me
- Access️ Your Plans️ Easily️ &️ All in One Place!
4 Keys to Success
Stay positive and remember why you started!
Educating Yourself
Don’t listen to diet propaganda (Spoiler: Carbs don’t make you fat).
Keep a Routine
Find a meal and exercise plan that works for you and stick with it.
Don’t Be Hard on Yourself
You don’t have to aim for perfection, aim for consistency.