HOW I LOST 60lbs!

Vicki is the perfect example of this. She started her plan with me during lockdown & there were NO crazy expectations set. Such as;
Training 5 times a week, giving up take always, cutting out carbs, etc…
Instead it was about just keeping things simple. Hunt down that first 1 stone loss, then rinse & repeat.. Being more aware of calorie intake, checking out her environment, being more active during the day.
Small daily habits, changing little things like not having “bingeable” foods within arms reach all day, every day (environment).
Having a realistic step goal and not feeling bad if she doesn’t hit 10,000 steps a day, instead suggesting having a number she would aim to keep over e.g. over 5,000 per day (more active).
Bringing more routine to her eating & having proper meals at regular times e.g Breakfast, lunch & dinner instead of trying to starve herself and then bingeing at night (calorie intake).
She now has habits built up that have allowed her to continue her journey and lose a total of 60lbs.
That’s insane, imagine filling a bag with 60lbs of weight and carrying it around all day?
You can’t even begin to measure the differences something like this can do for a persons happiness, mood, health, fitness, etc..
Better yet, as mentioned above this was all achieved without having to sacrifice social events, her fave foods, or giving up her life in order to see results. The fact she could continue on, on her journey shows you just how sustainable it was.
This is the big factor when it comes to fat loss. Making it feel easy. The easier it feels, the more consistent you will be & with consistency, comes results you can sustain!